Opus 1 |
Riverside Stake Center, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. |
Great - 11 Ranks |
1. Gedeckt (CH) 2. Open Diapason 3. Principal (PD) 4. Harmonic Flute 5. Gemshorn 6. Octave 7. Flute de Beth 8. Fifteenth 9. Mixture 10. Trumpet (CH) 11. Harp Celeste (prep) |
16 8' 8' 8' 8' 4' 4' 2' IV(1 1/3') 8' 8' |
Swell - 11 Ranks Enclosed | |||
1. Violin Diapason 2. Viola 3. Viola Celeste 4. Principal 5. Twelfth 6. Principal 7. Mixture 8. Oboe 9 Vox Humana 10. Vox Humana Tremulant 11. Swell to Swell 12. Swell to Swell 13. Tremulant 14. Cymbelstern |
8' 8' 8' 4' 2 2/3' 2' III(2/3') 8' 8' -- 16' 8' -- |
Choir - 9 Ranks Enclosed | |||
1. Stopped Diapason 2. Dulciana 3. Dulciana Celeste (TC) 4. Flute d'amore 5. Nazard 6. Flautino 7. Tierce 8. Trumpet 9. Trumpet 10. Clarinet 11. Trumpet 12. Chimes 13. Tremulant |
8' 8' 8' 4' 2 2/3' 2' 1 3/5' 16' 8' 8' 4' 25 Bars -- |
Pedal - 5 Ranks | |||
1. Bourdon 2. Lieblich Gedeckt 3. Octave 4. Bass Flute 5. Choral Bass 6. Mixture 7. Trombone 8. Trumpet |
16' 16' 8' 8' 4' III 16' 4' |
Coupler Rail | |||
1. Great to Pedal 2. Swell to Pedal 3. Choir to Pedal 4. Swell to Pedal 5. Choir to Pedal 6. Swell to Great 7. Swell to Great 8. Swell to Choir |
8' 8' 8' 4' 4' 8' 4' 8' |
Copyright © 2007 R.M. Ballantyne Pipe Organs All rights reserved. Revised: Sept 15, 2010. |